Once a member's device connects to the Ensemble, they can request to become an Ensemble Leader. The member must authenticate their device using the app menu on the device.

Connect Device to Ensemble

Authenticate Device as Band Leader

  1. Choose your ensemble from the main page.
  2. Use the Gear Icon in the Right menu to go to settings.
  3. Choose Band Settings.
  4. Select the Become Band Leader option.
  5. Enter a Leader Token code.
  6. Click OK.

Note: Leader Tokens are generated from the website (https://flipfolderapp.com/login).

See how to create a Leader Token.

Your device is authenticated. You can control the band's performances from the app.

When you select your ensemble, you will have the option to start performances. 

Click on the Left Menu (Music) options.

Start Performance will be the top option on the screen.