Ensemble Administrators will have access to your libraries and ensembles. They are required to sign up for a FlipFolder App account on the website to have account-level access to your ensembles. 

Note: Each Ensemble Administrator will use one seat license.

Sign up for an account

Once the Ensemble Administrator has created a login, they will see the following message when logging in for the first time.

Each Ensemble Administrator will need to notify you to add them as a member to your ensemble(s) to complete their setup.

Add Ensemble Administrators

  1. Log in to your account and select the Ensemble you want.
  2. Click View Organizations and go to the Members section.
  3. Enter the Full Name and email address associated with the Ensemble Administrator's FlipFolder App account.

  4. Click to Add Member.

The Ensemble Administrator will show in the list. However, they need to be assigned to a Permissions Group before they can manage specific tasks for the ensemble. 

The Ensemble Administrator will need to refresh their screen or login in and out to access your ensemble. In addition, they will not be allowed to assign themselves to a Permission Group.

The Ensemble Administrator will have permission to manage the following areas based on the Permission Groups:

  • Manage Devices
  • Manage Library
  • manage Band Details
  • Manage Playlists
  • Manage the Organizatoin

The Ensemble Administrator cannot add or edit Ensembles.