Left Menu

This menu contains music. It has an alphabetized list of your songs.

Not Performing - The top option defaults to Not Performing unless you have Band Leader permissions to control performances.

Playlists - If your band has playlists, your songs will include playlists. These playlists are in the order defined by the director. This button will allow you to toggle between the Playlists and the alphabetical listing of all songs.

All songs - Click this button to one list of all songs in the band alphabetically.

Search - Gives you the ability to manually search for any song. Enter any part of the song in the search box to find it. The search field is case-sensitive. This is used mainly for rehearsing or when the performance is not running.

Clear - This will clear any of your search results.

Right Menu

This menu contains options.

The settings. This will bring you to a settings menu.
Page Properties. There are submenus listed here to change stacking and page rotation views.
Page stacking. This will change the direction your pages are stacked in the viewer. Either from top to bottom or left to right.
Submenu under Page Properties
Rotate Left. This will rotate the currently selected song 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
Submenu under Page Properties 
Rotate Right. Submenu under Page Properties. This will rotate the currently selected song 90 degrees clockwise.
Submenu under Page Properties 
Drawing. This will open up drawing tools for the song you currently have open.
Save Transformations. This will save any transformations you have made (movement, rotation, zoom, stacking) to the selected song which will be loaded next time you switch to this song.
Delete Transformations. this will delete any transformations you have made (movement, rotation, zoom, stacking) to the selected song bringing everything back into its default value.

Gear Icons

Song Settings Gear

If you currently have a song open, this option will be visible.

Change Song Part. This allows you to change your part for the song that is open.
Don't Show/Show Shared Notes. This allows you to disable shared notes for this song.

Band Settings Gear

This allows you to download all songs.
Recommendation: Download all songs while connected to wifi before going to performances so if there are connection issues, you have all songs needed already on your device. You will be able to view music without an internet connection.
This allows you to change your part for every song in the band.
This allows you to become a Band Leader.*
*Permissions will need to be granted.
This allows you to remove the band from your device.

App Settings Gear

This allows you to send Error Reports.
This allows you to lock your device's orientation for this app.
This allows you to put the device into power-saving mode.
The application is still listening and waiting for the music to change. When the director chooses another song, it will automatically display and deactivate the Power Saving mode.
This allows you to put the device in Dark Mode. This will invert the colors of your music but not your drawings. This is used in an environment with a lot of sunlight or screen glare.

Choose Another Band

This allows you to choose another band when your device is linked to multiple bands.